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RJ's Auto Talk

Why do I need a tune up and how often?

A Tuneup at frequent intervals is necessary for cars of all makes. Our aim here will be to understand why a regular tuneup is important, and how you can know that it is time to go for a tuneup.

Why it is necessary to go for car tuneup at regular intervals?

Avert Need for Emergency Repairs

Tune ups performed at regular intervals will prove to be useful in identification of problems, that when left unnoticed will soon become major issues for your car. Regular tuneups will involve tasks such as examination as well as replacement of filters, spark plugs, etc.

Apart from the above, few of the other things that are analyzed during a tuneup include condition of belts and batteries, checkup of pumps, hoses, transmission fluid levels, and similar other details. Such tuneup and maintenance steps ensure that your car does not stop working while you are traveling.

Moreover, tuneups performed at regular intervals ensure that engine performs at optimum level and fuel economy of your car improves. These steps will eventually result in higher savings for you over a period of time. Lastly, tune ups will provide you higher resale value when you sell your car since the car will be in a much better condition.

If tires are in good condition, then it will ensure higher level of safety for you and your family while you are traveling somewhere. For instance, when the treads wear out, tire starts to lose its grip on the road.

Detailed tuneup will ensure such situation is avoided. At the time of tuneup, a technician will inspect aspects such as tire inflation, depth of treads, pattern of wear, and several other details. In addition, brake fluid, pads, and rotors will also be examined during tuneup to ensure your car is ready to hit the roads.

When to go for a Tuneup?

You will be able to keep the car in excellent condition if you maintain a yearly tuneup schedule. But, if the car stalls, engine power loss is noticed, car does not start, or if there are unusual sounds coming from engine then you will have to go for an emergency tuneup. Frequency of tuneups will also depend on how a person drives the car.

Other instances when a tuneup will become necessary consist of:

  • Car keeps stalling due to spark plug problems or when there are dirty connectors.

  • Due to some reason, car does not start. The issue could be problems with the battery, or a fuel pump that has become weak, and similar other issues.

  • Car faces problems when it idles or accelerates. One of the common reasons for this problem is improperly functioning spark plug.

  • If the fuel injection system is not working properly then it will result in uneconomical fuel efficiency and necessitate a professional tuneup.

  • Tuneup frequency is suggested to be after the car covers 10KM to 20KM miles, if it has non-electronic ignition system. But, for newer cars the tuneup is generally advised after the car travels for 30 KM. However, you should also check the recommended frequency as suggested by the car manufacturer.

As we can see, regular tuneup is important for every car and helps in keeping your car in good condition. If you want to ensure your car runs without any problems, then create a schedule for tuneups and strictly follow it.

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